Below you will find relevant information to common questions and areas of focus. From financial planning to current events, we hope you find these resources helpful and share with others who may benefit from the same guidance.

Please let us know if there is a subject matter you would like to learn more about. We are always here to be of service.

Sirra Anderson Crum, CFP®


As a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner at TenBridge Partners, I collaborate with clients and prospective clients to gather information and identify goals, concerns, and solutions. I craft and present financial plans, then assist our clients in implementing agreed upon strategies. I also work with our team to conduct research and analysis for our investment portfolios. 

As an Oregon native, I grew up in Track Town USA – also known as Eugene, Oregon (go Ducks!). Staying loyal to our beautiful state I attended and graduated from Portland State University with my Bachelor of Arts in Business Finance. After graduating, I joined the team at TenBridge Partners full time, and have been with the firm for over 7 years.

In 2020, I married my high-school sweetheart Tristin, and we have two cats, Lucy and Charlotte. In my free time, I enjoy good food, leaning into my creative side, traveling around the world, and volunteering as an advisor with my Alpha Chi Omega Chapter at Portland State University.

I am incredibly grateful to be a part of a firm that enriches my life professionally and personally. I have always found joy when helping others and surrounding myself with good people. It’s a gift to be in a line of work where I add value to people’s lives and do what brings me happiness.

Libby Van Vleet, FPQP™


Contact me for anything Charles Schwab related – such as opening new accounts, changing contact information, making distributions and handling incoming contributions. Need an appointment? I also coordinate our team’s calendars.

Portland is my home and where I grew up, and I am excited to be back raising my family here. I have had some great adventures in the West – after graduating from Colorado College, I lived in Nevada City and Hollywood, California.

My B.A. is in English and I have a background as a non-profit program director, business etiquette coach, and high school English teacher.  In my work in education and now financial planning support, I delight in being a resource for people. Teamwork, professionalism and lifelong learning help me serve clients as they launch on a path to reach their goals with a sound financial plan.  I enjoy building relationships with clients and helping individuals get where they want to be.

My husband Kent, children Peter and Punch, pets Daisy and Rango and I play together exploring the Northwest. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, yoga, tennis, snow skiing and boating. I have fun at home cooking, gardening, and reading broadly.