Below you will find relevant information to common questions and areas of focus. From financial planning to current events, we hope you find these resources helpful and share with others who may benefit from the same guidance.

Please let us know if there is a subject matter you would like to learn more about. We are always here to be of service.

From Awareness to Action: Understanding your Relationship with Money


On May 31st, TenBridge co-sponsored our first Women’s Wellness Forum alongside Ana Chaud from Sankalpa Life, Dr. Chelsea Eilts from Gem Health, and Wesley Grout from FUNKtional Space Organizing. It was a great success!

Libby and I spoke about relationships with money and the impact they have on our financial health and wellness. Identifying your relationship with money and using this information to guide you to financial health is a topic all people can benefit from. You might want to grab a pen and paper; I’m going to put you to work in this newsletter. Off we go!

Calendar of Events


Here are the events TenBridge has coming up.  Some are close to capacity, so please reach out to us if you would like to register for one of these fun activities!